
September 1, 2024 - September 1, 2027

Replace parking lot summer of 2025


To create a safer environment and ensure every visitor feels welcomed from the moment they arrive.


Through donations and/or pledges, raise $350,000 within three years.

Our goal is to raise as much money as possible in the first year, allowing us to finance as little as possible. Your generous contributions—whether one-time gifts or multi-year pledges—will help cover the cost of this essential project. 

Donate/Pledge to "Pave a Square(s)"

We divided our parking lot into 300 - 20'x20' "squares" (which equals $1200/square). You can pave a "square" (or squares) with your donation/pledge of $1200/square. For more details on how to pledge click on the PLEDGE button below.


Ways to Donate

To give online, click the button to give and select “Paving the Way” from the fund dropdown menu.


Suggested ways to give:

  • Submit your pledge card indicating commitments to the church office or in the offering boxes in the sanctuary. Your giving will be confidential, and can be given weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. It is not a bill and you will not be invoiced, and it should not replace your regular giving to Crossroads Church.
  • Gifts to the Paving the Way Capital Campaign, either one-time or recurring.
  • If you are at least 70 and a half years old, you can give via a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) from your IRA, which satisfies the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) requirements of the IRS. The maximum you can give without incurring additional income tax liability is $100,000. Everybody’s tax situation is different, depending on the amount of funds in your IRA account. By reducing your income, it could reduce the amount of taxable Social Security or require less tax on capital gains.
  • Donated stock, which allows you to deduct the fair market value of the stock and pay no tax on the unrealized gain, if held for more than a year.
  • Matching gifts are a great way to increase your gift! Many companies offer a charitable benefit option. It is worth exploring if you or your spouse have a corporate matching program through your employers.
  • Please consult with your personal financial and tax advisors to advise you on the best way for you to give, based on your personal circumstances.


  • Pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide us during and after this campaign.
  • Pray that God would give clarity and discernment to people as they consider what and how to contribute.
  • Pray that we grow closer as a church family and deeper in Christ by watching the ways that God provides for and uses this campaign.


Office - 651.464.2195