faith @ Home

God designed the family as the primary place for faith and character formation. We seek to inspire, equip and assist you to become intentional about building a God-honoring home one step at a time. 

where do I start?


For detailed information, download the complete OVERVIEW GUIDE.


We encourage you to create a plan several times a year to assess how

intentional you have been at home and to help you decide what small

steps you can take next.



Briefly evaluate your own level

of intentionality over the past

couple of months.



Create a family intentionality

game plan for the coming months.




faith Path

A family resource for kids ages 0-18.

God designed the home as the primary place to nurture Christian faith. Faith Path is a step-by-step process that provides resources to help you foster spiritual disciplines and prepare for key milestones along your child’s faith journey.         

To learn more, click on the following: Faith Path

Intentional Single

What an exciting and challenging stage of life! Learn to live out your faith right where the Lord has you. Find resources to help you be intentional in your pursuit of Christ and the future He has planned for you. He will use your life greatly for His glory as you seek Him!

Intentional Marriage

Every marriage is intended to display the love and faithfulness of God; to be a masterpiece reflecting THE marriage between God and His people. Be equipped to work towards unity through times of connection to create a thriving and healthy marriage!

Intentional PARENT

Those blessed with the gift of children are called to disciple the next generation as life’s greatest honor and highest priority. Learn how to be intentional as you disciple your own children and integrate simple faith formation routines within your family life that will build a strong spiritual foundation for them, and will deepen their roots of faith.


Those blessed with the gift of grandchildren are called to disciple the next generation as life’s greatest honor and highest priority. They have significant influence and privilege to point them toward God. Learn how to be a gift and blessing to your family.

SPECIAL Circumstances

Life is made up of various seasons and situations- some exciting and others full of struggle. Find encouragement and practical resources to navigate specific life circumstances with the Lord’s help and wisdom, in a way that honors Him.


No one should have to walk alone. Life is simply better when we know someone cares. We often feel better prepared as we enter a new stage of life with a little support or wisdom from someone who has already walked the same road. At times, the seasons and circumstances in which we find ourselves are challenging or deeply painful, and having someone to talk or pray with can encourage our hearts. 

If you would like to connect with someone from Crossroads Church who has walked through this season of life or through a similar circumstance, please e-mail us at and we will be happy to connect you confidentially.

Caring for again loved ones

Many of us eventually find ourselves in a season of caring for our aging loved ones.  While full of blessing, it can also be very difficult… and we all need encouragement! There are some resources available at the F@H Center and online to help you navigate this season with God’s faithful help and wisdom.  Links to resources can be found below, in our weekly bulletin or there is a pointer out at the F@H Center.

Focus on the Family: Preparing to Care for an Aging Loved One

My Family Season: Caring for an Aging Loved One